And I miss it.
For those of you who don't know what girls camp is, it is a program developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for girls 12-18. The way its set up is you have level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, YCL 1, and finally YCL 2. A ycl is a youth camp leader and they plan the camp under the advisement of leaders and stake members.
Our camp was Monday-Saturday for YCLs and Level 4s and Tuesday-Saturday for everyone else.
And one tradition for our camp is that they always did a whole camp spiritual activity.
Last year the YCLs acted out the parable of the ten virgins. YCL's were specifically chosen and sent this email.
"Dear Young Women,
We would like you to help with this years “Faith Walk”. Last years was awesome as it came from your heart and each of those who listened felt the spirit. This year we are portraying the parable of the 10 virgins. There will be 10 stations where each of you will act the part of one of the 10 virgins. At the end of the walk, it will be announced that the “Bridegroom cometh”. Everyone (except the 5 foolish virgins) will go to the lodge and the door will be closed. The 5 foolish virgins will then come and knock on the door but will be turned away. We will have a speaker close with a short talk.
I have attached the characteristic of each virgin and what they will need. Please review the list and email me your top 3 choices of which you would like to act out. You will need to speak for 3 minutes about this virgin and what she is like. We would like you to pray about this and you can use scriptures, stories, or personal experiences.
I love each of you; you are so special and are such great examples to the other young women! I love to feel your spirit and see the light of Christ in your eyes.
Please get back to me as soon as possible so I can make the assignments"
And included in this email was a document enclosed with the "personalities" of the 10 virgins.
For the YCL’s, The
Ten Virgins
The first virgin represents a Christ-like person. This is the person who is
meek, humble, obedient, long-suffering, gracious, and just: one who has faith,
is pure in heart, one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness, and is a
peacemaker. This virgin prays and fasts, keeps the commandments and studies the
scriptures to learn of Christ. You cannot be a Christ-like person unless you
know Christ. ----- Her gifts are palm fronds – which are symbolic of
Christ entering Jerusalem
for the last time when those who recognized Him as the Messiah laid palm fronds
at his feet. Another gift, olive branches, are symbolic of the gathering of Israel in the last
days. Her final gift is seven white lilies, which represent the seven dispensations
of time.
The second virgin represents repentance and one who has accepted the atonement
of Christ for her sins. She looks to Him with love and gratitude for being her
own personal Savior. ----- Her gifts are a stalk of wheat and a vessel of
water, which are representative of the sacrament. She is dressed in white
linen, the material Christ was wrapped in when he was taken from the cross.
"3. The third virgin represents the ordinances necessary on this earth to enter the kingdom, such as: Baptism, Confirmation, Endowments,Temple Marriage ,
and Temple Work which includes genealogy, etc.-----
Her gifts are two doves, which represent the Holy Ghost and the Holy
Spirit of Promise. She is dressed in blue, trimmed with gold – blue and gold
are the colors of the priesthood. (I
have two fake doves you can use)
"3. The third virgin represents the ordinances necessary on this earth to enter the kingdom, such as: Baptism, Confirmation, Endowments,
The fourth virgin represents truth, light and knowledge, and discovering,
developing, and using talents for building up the kingdom. ----- Scrolls
are her gift, which represent the knowledge, truth, and light she has
gained, and the lyre is also her gift, representing all the
talents she has developed, not just musical talents.
The fifth virgin represents charity, the true love of Christ, and service. She
has a serene smile. She represents the epitome of motherhood or fatherhood, of
sweet, unseen service to her family and to others. Her gift is a basket
of fruits. It represents two things: First, `By their fruits ye shall
know them, and Second, The Word of Wisdom.
The sixth virgin represents vanity and seeking after riches. She would be the
one to whom wealth and possessions are most important. ----- Her gift is
a golden vessel, filled with gold and precious things. Her dress is costly.
Even the scarlet color of her dress, which is decorated with jewels and gold,
is a sign of wealth. It is important to remember that he who loves the
riches is evil, not the riches.
The seventh virgin represents the sins and pleasures of the world. She is
fun-loving and fun to be around. She doesn't' realize how the immodesty of her
gown makes her appear or how if affects the emotions and minds of others. Her
testimony is weak and she generally goes with the crowd because she isn't
strong enough to stand on her own. She would live by the philosophy of `eat,
drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.' ----- Her gift is a large
vessel containing an alcoholic beverage, because drinking and sinning
are alike in that they gradually dull the mind and senses, until one day, you
wake up horrified at what you have done and became.
8. The
eighth virgin represents addiction and excess. ----- Her gifts are a
swine's head, which represents filthiness of body, mind, and spirit,
and honeycomb, which represents the addicting vices which are too sweet for us
to give up. These addictions are not just what we take into our body
internally, such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sugar or excess eating, etc., but
also addictions of the mind and soul, such as soap operas, unrestricted T.V.,
listening to the wrong kind of music, R-rated or filthy movies or books.
Anything that would cause the body or mind to depend upon or desire them. She
has a weak will and would delight in telling or hearing dirty jokes or stories,
or in repeating gossip. She seems to be inviting: `Try it,... join me.... it's
The ninth virgin represents those who delve into dark works and idol
worshiping. These are those who dleve into the mysteries, the occult, secret
combinations, and perhaps other works in secret, like pornography, child abuse,
and perversions. ----- She has a band around her neck, which
symbolizes these sins that, first, like threads and cords, become like bands
and chains to drag us down to hell. The jewel on the forehead
represents the mark of the beast. The gift she gives is an idol of a
goat's head and represents apostasy or anything that is put before the
The tenth virgin represents unrighteous power and ego. This is the one who is
puffed up because she feels her calling is greater than someone else's. This is
also the one who manipulates or rationalizes and would have one set of
standards on Sunday and another in the business world. ----- She wears a
crown and carries a scepter which are symbols of her power. She is
jealous and envious of others, even her dress is green with envy.
She has a partially hidden sword which represents gossip or
cutting people down behind their back. Her gift is the crown and scepter
she wears.... but will she give up her symbols of power even to the One
to whom they belong?
Each girl was asked to choose her top three and then our stake leader gave us what virgin we were.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
But then, Humpty got up and looked good as new
His shell was all shiny and he didn’t use glue
He looked at the horses and all the King’s men
And said, “I don’t need you to put me together again!”
But then… he did realize that something was amiss
His outsides were fine, but his insides were all mixed
All scrambled, all churned, like an omelet he felt
So he began to plead to all the King’s help
But they all declined with their heads bowed down low,
“We haven’t what it takes to heal such a blow,
In fact we are each in the same state as you”
Said all the King’s men, and his horses cried, “Us too!”
“There is no man here that can fix this great sting,
But the man up the hill can, we call him our King,
So go up the hill now, He’s waiting for you
As he waited for us to heal up this few.”
“But there are some things of you he’ll require,
Your heart and your soul, and all your desires.
You see, we have learned this, so the past years we’ve been
All the King’s horses, and all the King’s men.
Jesus Christ truly knows us. And he did not
take upon the sins of the world. The world is but a place we live in however he
took on the sins of individual people. He took on individual sins. He asks for
so little he doesn’t ask us to suffer and he doesn’t want us to feel pain. He
wants us to repent, forgive and to learn.
But being a teenager we feel suffering, pain,
and hurt and as teenager it is easy to feel alone.
Jesus knows exactly how we feel.
“My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me.” Matt 27:46 Mark 15:34-35 Ps. 22:1
Jesus Christ felt alone and he felt my pain,
and your pain, and our suffering. Some of us hold onto this pain because we
think we deserve it or we don’t know how we could ever be forgiven.
We are given a truly beautiful gift, the
atonement is what allows us to have grace and is the way to eternal life. If
everyone truly knew what the atonement was no one would be unhappy.
We are able to be forgiven and our burdens to
be lightened. We are able to be happy and to continue to live our lives without
holding on to the pain or the hurt.
‘He cannot forget us; we are engraved upon the
palms of his hands’
But we can choose to forget his sacrifice and
continue on in misery or we can choose the atonement and be All the King’s
horses, and all the King’s men.
I love love love this.. Thank yiu for sharing