For those of you who aren't Mormon it is advised to the youth of the church that they don't date before they are 16 and many families and teens abide by this rule. Therefore when a girl turns 16 she is usually expected to date. This post is geared toward these girls but if you are in need of some dating advice read on.
1) You don't have to date - Just because you can doesn't mean you have to! If you don't want to then don't. And people shouldn't pressure you to do so especially when you are at this age.
2) Think before you say no - If you want to date, think before you say no. You do have the right to say no but if you are saying no because they aren't ideal you might want to think twice. If you say no to him, he is going to tell others and in the end boys aren't going to ask you if they think you are going to say no. BUT if you think he is creepy and perverted you have every right to say no.
3) You can always ask - If you want to go on a date with a boy... ASK HIM! But if you ask I believe that you should pay or better yet just do something that doesn't take money. I asked these boys to do a double date with me and my sister and we went to the park and had bought a bunch outdoor toys from the dollar store and had a picnic. But I had to ask and they were more than happy to go.
4) Sometimes you don't get asked - Just because you don't get asked doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. You can not, I repeat CANNOT let that get to you. I thought for a long time that I wasn't pretty enough, funny enough, or normal enough because no one would ever ask me on a date. Not getting asked out does not mean that something is wrong with you. Who knows you could be so amazing that the boys that would like to ask you out are intimidated.
5) You will be turned down - Ugh. This is just another hard lesson. I liked this boy he was not interested. I gave it a shot and moved on. Don't force a relationship.
6) Dating is super fun - If you play your cards right you can see so many movies and meet so many guys. Boys are fun to get to know so just try it!
7) Group dating is super super fun - If you are scared of dating try group dating. It's easier to get to know a guy when you have your friends with them and it dramatically decreases the awkwardness by 100% and you can have everyone paired up or just invite a bunch of boys and girls to hang out. You can even set up a "blind group date" where the girls actually know who their date is, it just means their friends can set it up and the date doesn't have to ask.
8) Relationships are hard - This isn't just for boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but any relationship with a friend or a parent this advice is versatile. Relationships require work. Think of it as a living thing it needs love and care or its just going to die.
9) The first time you break up you're going to cry - no matter what actually happens once you break up you are going to feel confused and lonely and you are going to cry. Tomorrow is a new day. Don't wait for him to text you, just go out and have fun. Don't stay home.
10) People move away - Teenagers and Twenty-year-olds move around a lot because of work and college. My advice don't get too involved into someone when you know you are going to move away unless you want to do the whole long distance thing and I have a friend who does that but its really hard on her. Just know what you are getting into.
This photo was taken during a group date where we had a Taco Bell picnic and a picture scavenger hunt! Yeah I know we are cute ;)
Till Next time!
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