Hey friends! How's it going? I hope you are doing swell. I for one am doing pretty well. And it feels weird to say that because I never thought life would end up quite like this. If you keep up with my blog or just with me in general you know I moved and I just finished my second week since I moved here. And I don't know why I was so worried.
Actually I do know why.
Because everytime I try to do something I usually end up falling on my face.
So I was verry terrified that this would be one of those things.
But I am doing great.
School is really tough right now and I feel like I never have time to do homework. But I like to just ignore that part and focus on the positive things. But since being here I have actually unpacked and decorated my room and I made friends. And I am really excited about this.
I thought I forgot how to make friends. I haven't actually had to make friends since freshman year of high school. I usually just waited for Nicole to make friends and then they had to hang out with me too and it work relitively well.
But I knew no one going to into this.
I made myself go to things. Which was like way out of my comfort zone. But I did it. And that is how I made my three friends. Shout out to Sam, Daniel and Melanie! They are wonderful and make my life a lot more fun.
And we've hung out 3x but we just became really good friends on Monday. And even though they creamed in Settlers of Catan, I plan on keeping them around.
Also I have been asked on a lot of dates. Like what?
Where is this coming for?
On Friday I got asked on three dates. THREE. And I don't say to be cocky but oh my gosh where did this come from? Why am I getting so much attention? What is life?
I spent all of high school putting myself down because I had this idea that no one would ever want to date me because I am too weird, loud, smart and the list goes on. That is what I thought about in high school when I could've been thinking about important things. I made my life miserable because of boys.
You know what I was told this weekend by two guys? That I was awesome and the best date that they've had in a long time. Mind blown.
I spent high school thinking I sucked when I actually am awesome.
What I hope you get from this long post about my life is that you don't suck. How dare you let anything in your life make you feel like that. You're awesome and you don't need boys, your mom, your boss, friends, strangers, or anyone else to tell you that. You can do hard things. I am a living testament of it because I made friends and I am doing really well. You can too.
I have learned so much about myself this year.
I know this is a cliche but if someone came to me a year ago and tolld me this was going to be my life I would laugh. And I would laugh my big belly loud cackle in their face because this was not how I planned my life at all.
Funny how that happens huh?
This past year was really hard but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I am so grateful for my blog and how great you guys are. Looing at my blog makes me feel so loved and supported. I did a lot of fun things in the past and it's kid of incredible. I just hit 6000 views and that's amazing. I've had people that I haven't talked to in years stop me in the store and tell me that they love my blog. And I feel so honored. I love that feeling and I am glad you let me share my expereices with you.
This being said. This will be my last post. This blog has been good to me, but I feel like it is time to move on to a new project. I am hoping to get a vlog up and running once I decide on the camera and mic that I want to use and I am currently working on writing a TV series, in addition to real life responsibilities like work and 7 classess... But I like staying busy.
One last request. Never talk yourself out of complimenting someone. The times that people told me about my blog never weirded me out. It made me keep going, it made me feel special. I felt happy. So never chicken out, just say.
Usually I say till next time and it makes me sad that there won't be a next time. Well, at least for a while.
- M
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