Christmas comes and goes. New year's comes and goes. And then suddenly you are back to the grind and slumming your backpack around with you again. Coming back to school and getting used to your schedule is no small task. Especially after being home and not having to be an adult for a couple weeks. This is especially hard for me so I decided to give not only some advice to you, but to me. So let's begin.
1. Don't freak out - I am really bad at this. Like very bad. Like I have had to text my Mom because I am freaking out about all the work and crap I have to do. It is only the first week back. You are going to have all semester to do all the assignments that are listed in your multiple syllabi (syllabuses?). Take a deep breath. The beginning of the semester is just the beginning.
2. Allow for some wiggle room - The first week back to school can be a little hectic. You are waiting for books. Running from class to class. Adding and dropping class. In addition to dealing with loose ends from last semester. Everyone is getting readjusted which means that everyone knows that things are still getting organized and moving around still. AND because they know this they will understand. Your life isn't the only hectic one. Help each other out.
3. Go see your friends - Really go do this. Remind yourself that there are people that you love that go to the same school as you. And you can't hang out with them in your hometown, so take advantage of that.
4. See what your school has to offer - Speaking of taking advantage, most schools have events, free food and activities to commemorate the beginning of a new semester. Grab a friend, make a friend and go get a free pen and some food. You are paying tuition for another semester, you might as well do the fun stuff too.
5. Relax. Meditate. Rejuvinate. - Just because you are back to the grind doesn't mean you can just go from those lazy days laying at home doing nothing into a 20 hour work day. And why would you want to (maybe you have to... I appologize) make sure that you take a moment to rest. Even if it is just for 20 minutes. Take a walk, take a nap, make some real food. You'll have a better semester if you don't burn yourself out within the first couple of days.
6. Go to sleep - This is one thing I will never understand about college students. Why would you ever want to pull an all-nighter? It takes your body three days to recooperate after loosing that much sleep. I think I read somewhere that someone who pulls an all-nighter and a drunk person have the same mental and physcial capabilites. Sleep with help you get back into a routine and make sure you are able to do what your classes need you to do.
7. Moral Support - Find some. Cherish it. This is pretty self-explanatory. Life is so much better when there is someone cheering you on. I am not above texting someone and asking for a pep talk. I do it all the time. My friends don't mind pumping me up and it helps me stay focused on the good things and not stress.
8. Eat - This is one I could do a lot better considering I ate 3 peanut butter sandwiches today. Eating is really important and often gets thrown to the side when we get busy. But not eating has a lot of consequences. I often get headaches, stomach aches and then I can't focus. So even though you are really busy and juggling a million things make sure one of those things is a protien bar or a peanut butter sandwich.
9. It's okay to cry - If you've read my blog you know I am a big advocate of crying. Emotions happen and we shouldn't be embarrassed about it. Maybe you don't cry but you are angry, sad, nervous etc. Feel these emotions and expereince them but don't let them hinder you. We can't be happy all the time meaning we should be sad all the time either.
10.Enjoy the weekend - When you finish that first week back, celebrate! Take a moment to enjoy the fact that you started a new semester! That somehow you did what you needed to do. Don't spend all day doing that homework, go out for a little bit and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!
I hope you learned something or were able to find something to make going back to school that much easier. If you have some tips for me I would love to hear them. You can comment below or email me.
Till next time,
- M
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