

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Welcome to the New Year, this means I finally get to see my semester grades. I earned a GPA of 3.74, I received one A, four A-'s, and one B+. The B was an 89.8, but that still is a B. But I am content with my GPA. Since the 8th grade, I've had this weird need to get a 4.0 every semester. I remember the one time in high school I received a B for Honors Chemistry and I tore myself apart, I cried for nearly a week. I ended high school with a 4.5 GPA (or something around there).

And obviously that isn't a bad thing to have.

But there was always this pressure, put on by myself, to have perfect grades. This created so much stress and unneeded heartache. Did that B ruin my life? No? Then why did I cry and beat myself  up over it?

It's okay to not be perfect. It's okay to struggle with a class.
There are so many things that are important and may be even more important than grades: family, relationships, religion, work, travel, happiness and the list could go on and on.

This may be easy for me to say because I've already been accepted into a great University and only received one B this semester. But I know what high school was for me and I wish that I could've had more fun and enjoyed it more and maybe that wouldn't have gotten me this far but it sure would have been a better story to tell. The pressure to get into college and to get good grades is extremely strong, but one day sooner or later, you're going to die and that B isn't going to matter that much.

You should always try your best. But if you come up a little short there is no need to let that burden you. What is done is done, so move on.

I'm thankful for my B+ because it humbles me and keeps me going.
Just some food for thought, till next time.

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