So I have been wanting to do a Q&A post but I couldn’t find the Facebook posted I had that asked for questions and I only got a couple so I just googled “questions to ask.” And I found this great post titled “25 great questions to ask people.” And I was like awesome, that is exactly what I am looking for and then I click on the link and the whole title is actually: 25 Questions To Ask People To Draw Them Out. And I realized that these questions are utilized by therapists…But I still used them. So here you go, Do you know the true Michaella? Who knows you might learn something.
1. What is your best childhood memory?
My family used to do Friday movie nights before we were all old and wanting to go out. Our dad was always in charge of movie night. We would talk to him about what movie we wanted to watch or what time it started and once that was all figured out we would all flock to the living room. And we would bring all our blankets and pillows and when I mean all of them, I mean our beds were pretty bare. And then our dad would pad the floor with blankets and then have us lay down and throw the rest on top of us. And I had these huge pillows, I think they were supposed to be dog beds, but we always snuggled up on them. And we would watch movies, not one or two but probably three. And then we would all eventually fall asleep there. I loved it and I loved being able to just be there with my family. Ah I love them and miss them very much.
2. If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life, what would you do differently?
This is probably going to sound clichĂ©, but I’d probably go back to high school. I would do more. I would not botch all my audition because I would scare what other people would think. I would care less about others and care more about myself. Because even today I’ll not try or sabotage myself because I am too scared to put myself out there.
3. What do you feel most proud of?
I am most proud of my work experience. I have worked with lots of children and every single time I always get complimented on how well I work with kids. And that is something I pride myself on. I remember being a camp counselor for Hanford High’s Drama Camp, I was only there for the last couple of days, and I remember working with this kid who definitely has some ADHD and I just sat there and worked with him quietly and in that moment I knew that this was what I was good at. I love working with kids and I love being able to see what others can’t and being able to help the kids that need it most. I am proud to be a kid whisperer.
4. What is your favorite music?
I love to sing more than anything in this world and so I love singer/songwriter stuff. I have a playlist called Killer Slow Jams on Spotify and it just songs I love to sing.
5. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
I want to go to Rome. And I don’t really know what sparked this interest but I have this need to go to Rome. I saw a girl and she got her mission call to Rome and I cried because that is where I wanted to be.
6. If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?
My laptop and my phone because that’s how I stay connected to my family and friends who are spread out all over the globe. I would want my Book of Mormon because I am almost done reading it for the 7th time and it times of crisis that is where I can go to find peace. I would want to take my boyfriend pillow because it is the most comfortable item I have. My pink sweater because I love it and it makes me happy. And last but not least a BYU T-shirt because Go Cougs!
7. What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?
One of the most impactful teachers I know was one that not actually my teacher. Mr. Tubbs was a teacher that I never had, but I certainly wish I had. Mr. Tubbs became a theatre director and that is how I got to know him. And from the second I met him it was like we were longtime friends. I have never met a teacher who was so funny, kind and fair. I remember auditioning for one of his plays and I remember very clearly that I told my sister (who was the stage manager for the show) that I didn’t mind what part I got, as long as it wasn’t Imogene. And that is what I was cast as. I remember being very upset because it was the smallest role and in my eyes wasn’t that interesting. But I knew that I could play the part and still learn and have fun. And I remember a little ways into rehearsals that Mr. Tubbs pulled me aside and started to tell me how sorry he was. He was sorry that he had cast me as the smallest part in the show, that he didn’t realize this but that he had cast me as, what was in his mind, the strongest character. And continued to talk about how he knew I could play any part in the show but he wanted me to be Imogene. He then offered me the part for another girl because someone dropped out of the show. This has stuck with me because in such a world where the Teacher is always right and always knows what’s best, it was amazing to me to see a teacher not only talk personally to a student but to apologize. I love Mr. Tubbs and he will always be a role model to me. Needless to say, I played the best Imogene I could.
8. What do you want your tombstone to say?
“Over and Out”
9. What was one of your most defining moments in life?
Getting into Brigham Young University was definitely one of those moments. Because that is when life became really real. I was going to do something that was different, hard, fun and in a different state and I was going to do it because I wanted to.
10. Why did you choose your profession?
I actually have a whole post about this topic and if you want to go read it and you should because it is pretty good, you can go here: The post is pretty old, in a couple months it will be a year old. But the feelings are still the same. I love teaching and I will die teaching. And I want to teach theatre because what a great subject to teach that can bring some real life skills in the classroom and what a great tool for self-exploration.
11. How do you spend your free time?
Haha. That’s funny you think I have free time. When I do I love to blog (obviously), write letters, knit hats, volleyball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, football and currently I am watching Grey’s anatomy on Netflix.
12. Who do you most admire in life?
I have this friend and I adore her to death. Her name is Kayla. She is definitely a special snowflake that my family has just adopted into our family. I have never met a person that is as nice as she is. She always thinks about what her action will do to others and she truly cares about everyone. Knowing her just makes me want to be a nicer person. I want to get to the point where I can love others as much as she does. She is truly an inspiration to me and is literally #goals.
13. What are your top three favorite books and why?
I am just going to say that for this question I can’t pick religious books because those will always be at the top and I think want to know a little more about me because you are obviously reading this post. I haven’t been able to do a lot of free reading lately and that breaks my heart but some of my favorite books are: Wonder by Raquel J. Palacio, The Memory Keeper’s daughter by Kim Edwards and then Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. They are all great novels and I read them all in my senior year of high school but I am always looking for new good books to read so if you know some, let me know.
14. What are you most afraid of?
Not being able to have kids. Most 19-year-olds don’t think about that, but the thought of not being able to have a baby scares the crap out of me. Also someone told me I reminded them of Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy (Do you see it?) and she has a hostile uterus. Hopefully, that’s something that is different between the two of us.
15. What feels like love to you?
My love language is personal touch so love literally feels like love. I need hugs. Kisses. Handshakes. Pats on the back. Physical contact is what makes me feel loved.
16. What is your strongest personal quality?
My strongest personal quality is probably my rational advice giving. That sounds pretty pompous. But I have gotten pretty good at assessing situations as a whole. Can I do this in my own life? Who knows? But I am pretty good at figuring things out for other people. Fresh eyes usually help a situation.
17. What was your most embarrassing moment?
I specifically remember thinking recently, “Hey I need to remember this when I am asked what my most embarrassing moment is.” But nonetheless I can’t remember. But this story should suffice, recently we were walking back from one of the dorms back to our car and this group of girls is walking in front of us and then this guy walks the opposite way of us all walking and yells out “Racheal!” and one of the girl’s turns around and says “Hey! Who are you?” and he says his name and then she says she doesn’t remember. And at this point they are still yelling because they are still walking in different directions. But he says “Really? We made out the other day!.” At this remark, she starts walking towards him and in result towards us. And of course, we are all trying to stifle out laughs. And she asks, “Are you laughing at me?” And I just couldn’t hold back and I said yes and we all just kept walking. It was a pretty memorable experience.
18. If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?
The birth of Jesus. Hands down.
19. What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?
I would love to learn how to knit without the use of a loom. Because knitting with a loom is like knitting with training wheels. Except for the fact that I am 19 and I am still using training wheels. And I really just want to knit socks and baby leggings. Because I’m all about socks and babies.
20. What does a perfect day look like to you?
The perfect day will consist of the beach, no homework to return to and lots of people who love me just hanging out in the sun. No drama, no school, no sunburns. Just a lot of love and a lot of sand.
Yay! You’ve made it. I hope that you learned something and thought about your answers to these questions. I want to do another post like this next month so if you have questions to ask me, comment down below or you can contact me personally! It makes it more fun, so don’t be shy!
Till next time!
- M
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