So after constructing two mini meatloaves, I was so very proud. I didn't have bread crumbs so I made my own. I was in the midst of making the topping when I knocked the ketchup bottle over and launched the meat loaves from the counter to the floor. Awesome. Luckily I was able to take the tops of the floor meat splats and put it back into the loaf. But then all the other ground turkey left on the floor went down the sink. That's just life. Instead of the saying that's the way the cookie crumbs they should start saying that's the way that meatloaf falls. But if that was the worst of my problems we would be in a good place.
This week I have been really stressed. I have a block class which means it only lasts about 6 weeks versus a full semester. So I have about 2 weeks left and a lot more left to do. So I am stressed, Stressed. STRESSED. Which them makes me emotional. I cried a lot this week, a spiritual story, a call from home, mission pictures, General Conference, you name it. But I like crying. Which most people find a little weird. But the releasing of emotions is such a part of the human experience. That I endorse crying because it's healthy. So crying isn't bad, it is just a thing you do. But to combat this stress I drink a lot of tea, I tried running, but I really can't. Giving up an hour to run doesn't make me feel better it just keeps me from doing things like homework and laundry but also from things I actually like to do, like writing, netflix, sleeping, crafting, cooking etc. But I've also been eating better hence the turkey meatloaf but that has kept me feeling better, if I could just figure out how to make something healthy that I can eat in class and make really quickly in the morning. Till then I have just been eating pj&j and cheese popcorn. But I am finally getting into the groove of school and life which is good because this next week marks my 5th week of this semester. Who cares when I feel better, as long as I do.
Another small victory, I called home without crying today. The first time that's happened since being back in Utah. I am just a family person and I always will be. But I appreciate being able to carry a conversation and not just sob. Haha. But calls from home make me feel better, no matter who it is.
Another good thing that happened this week. I was taking the bus to school like I usually do and this old man that I see every Tuesday and Thursday came onto the bus and then motioned for me to take my earphones out and then he was like "you have the cutest face." And then walked away and sat down. That was super nice and made me feel good. Always be kind because you don't know how it can change people's day.
Welp that's it, wish me luck I have two tests this week and a paper due!
Have a good week!
- M
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