I decided one day that I needed a new project. Something to think, act and reflect on. And I was inspired to do what I call Text-A-Testimony. Each day for a month I would text my testimony to someone new. It was really simple, I would text a person asking if I could share my testimony of Jesus Christ with them and if they said yes then I would share. I decided that it was best to ask because it wasn’t really fair to insert something very personal into their messages if they didn’t want to. So here is my account of 31 days of texting my testimony.
Day 1:
Me: Hey I am doing a project and I was wondering if I could share my testimony of Jesus Christ with you?
Response: Yes!
Me: Yay! Alright I just want you to know, that I know my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I’ve been given the opportunity to come to know them by reading the Bible and the Book of Mormon and I’ve come to love them with all my heart. I know that Jesus Christ came to Earth with a mission. And it was because he loved each of us greatly. That He felt every sin, sorrow, and evil. And because of this I can repent, feel joy and do good. I remember feelings so low and broken and thinking that no one understood what I was going through but He does. In this awful, crazy, beautiful world He is my peace. And I know He knows that I need him and that He knows my name and needs. But I also know that He loves you and He knows what you need. And I know that the things that I’ve said are true with all my heart. Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to share.
Response: This was so good, and I definitely needed this. Thank you for sharing, Michaella! Miss you!
Day 2:
Me: Hey I am doing a project and I was wondering if I could share my testimony of Jesus Christ with you?
Response: Sure thing!
Me: Yay! Thank you! Alright I just wanted to say that I know that Jesus Christ lives and that I do all the crazy church stuff because I know that without a doubt, I know that it is true. I know that my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know who I am, not only me but they also know you and your name and they know exactly what you need. I know there is a plan that allows me in this crazy, beautiful, hard life to have joy and feel peace. And that is through Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. Jesus Christ is my peace and allows me to grow. I know that as I draw nearer to Him that will be guided to become the best version of myself. Thank you so much for letting me share. And I hope that you were able to get something from this.
Response: Thank you for sharing that with me!:)
At this point I realized something was missing. And I thought back to all the missionary “training” I’ve had. And I realized I was missing some sort of a challenge. I was sharing my testimony which helped me a lot but it feels like I am just saying it to say it and there is no purpose for the responder. So I decided to weave in a challenge from here on.
Don't you love it when you set out to do a project and you fall flat on your face? Yeah I started this project at the beginning of October with all intentions of doing this project. But I didn’t end up texting someone every day this month. I ended up testing people and doing it when I felt like I could. Sometimes I didn’t because I forgot and it was really late or I just didn’t have a name come to mind. But I share it and I share it quite a bit. I always asked and then if they said yes I gave a little part of myself to them. And I didn’t just share it with people who weren’t members but I shared it with members. And it was a really cool experience. I can’t account for those that I spoke to because I don’t know their own feelings. BUT I got the opportunity to put my own feelings into words and share it with people that I know and love. It was a really great feeling to share.
I’m not saying that it wasn’t a little scary or nerve wracking. Because it was. Take something that is really special to you and giving it to someone else, not knowing how they are going to react. And that can be scary. But it was also really rewarding.
I think that in this time that religion is really feared. We fear of it being forced upon us and that is why often we find it hard to share because we don’t want to lose friends, make it awkward or make people feel that we are forcing Jesus upon them. But I ask you to think of the real purpose why we share our religion. Because we feel that we can share a part of us with you. It is because we love you. And this might make you question why missionaries leave for two years to share their testimonies with random strangers. They leave their families, college, friends, and girlfriends/boyfriends because they love the Lord and they have faith in this gospel. And they don’t see strangers as strangers but as God’s children, someone that is dearly loved by a Heavenly Father who needs to be told/reminded of that very fact. Missionaries are able to teach because they are able to see God’s love for each and every person they come in contact with. Sharing religion is not forcing it down your throat. It should never be that. It should be a gift that can be left or taken. But don’t hate us because we love you enough to share.
Non-member friends that are reading this I urge you to share your own thoughts. I love talking about religion and I love answering questions. Please ask. Don’t be afraid of religion because it’s scary, difficult to understand or a lot. Do it because you want to know for yourself. I know that Jesu Christ is my Savior and loves me. But do you? I challenge you to find out. If you don’t know how to start you can always ask me. Or the missionaries in your area.