

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Q&A with M-Sass

I decided that it was time for a new Q&A post. My last one I posted in September and if you want to check it out, here is the link. http://mccakesplace.blogspot.com/2015/09/q-with-little-mac.html I love answering questions because I have to think a little harder than usual and if you ask questions well then I can share something you would like to know. So here is this month's addition of a Q&A

1.    What fictional character do you relate to the most?

This was a really difficult question for me. And I don’t exactly know why but I am going to take a good stab at this. I am going to say one character I relate to is Meredith Gray from Gray’s Anatomy and maybe I am just picking her because that is just my latest thing. But I definitely feel like I relate a lot to her, not because I am a really strong surgeon or that I am married to McDreamy. But she has a huge heart and often follows it no matter what. In addition, to that she works super hard at trying to balance work and family. I hope I never have to go through all the experiences she has been through but I’m perfectly fine with being a girl with a huge heart and a strong work ethic.

2.   What are the biggest fandom followings you have encountered while in college? Ie: Harry Potter, The Office, Jane Austen, etc.

This is a hard question for me because well I don’t count myself into any fandom. I like Harry Potter, The office, and other stuff but I never really think that I’ve encountered any huge fandom. I feel like every Mormon loves Harry Potter and a lot of them like Doctor Who. If I was to be in a fandom I would count myself in the Jimmy Fallon Fandom. That was a pretty awful answer to that question. But hey, I tried.

3.   What's the most important thing you've learned so far, outside a classroom?

One thing that I’ve learned outside a classroom, that would I deem the most important thing, is that life is too short to be embarrassed. One time I told myself that I wasn’t going to get embarrassed. And maybe that seems too simple. That you can’t just not get embarrassed. But my friends, you totally can do that. Think about why you get embarrassed, it’s usually because of other people, we care what they think. AND IT IS SO DUMB. We often hold ourselves back because we are scared to be embarrassed. Or we get embarrassed so we can’t move on. And we play it over and over again. We don’t do the talent show because we are scared that we’ll mess up and embarrass ourselves. We can’t talk to that guy because we are too scared we’ll be rejected and be embarrassed. We can’t get the moments where we farted in public, had milk come out our nose, or when through the day with toilet paper stuck to our shoes. These things are part of life and we should get hung up on them. Down with embarrassment because it is completely unnecessary and we should never hold ourselves back because of it. That is what I learned outside the classroom, but it also helps a lot in the classroom (especially with theatre classes).

4.   How do you exercise being so busy in college?

I don’t. Just kidding… But I actually hate working out. I loathe it, it frustrates me because I feel like I’m just wasting time and I could be doing homework or doing something fun. But I also gained like 10 pounds last year and I lost it this summer and I would like to keep it off. So I had to do something. Out of the blue I was offered a spot on an intermural soccer team.

5.   If you could go anywhere tomorrow where would you go? 

Magic Freakin Mountain in Valencia, Ca. I love love love rollercoaster. And I really am an adrenaline junkie and I need a break from homework and taking naps and watching Netflix just perpetuates the thought that I still have stuff to do. I need to ride X2 and forget that I’m an adult just for a little bit.

6.   If it was your last day on earth what would you do? 

I would go home. I would hang out with my Mom in her kindergarten class and then go hang out in my Dad’s science class. Then I would go and hang out in the drama room and teach improv and help direct because that is what I want to be doing in the last hours of my life.

7.   What’s the worst part about dating?

I think it is, the whole where is this going elephant in the room. Give me a first date every single date of the week but a steady relationship that is frightening. Hence the one boyfriend I had and the 0 second dates I’ve had this semester.

8.   When upset, what do you usually do to feel better?

The shower is my safe place. When I’m anxious or angry or lonely I take a shower. It definitely comes from my Mom telling me to go relax in the shower whenever I was getting overwhelmed and crazy. So now that’s just what I use to relax and even though I have my own room the bathroom is still the most privacy one can get.

9.   What do you look for in a guy?

What a fun question. I am really not picky there are just a couple things I’m looking for. I need someone who will hold me and tell me it’s going to be okay when I get scared and overwhelmed. I need someone who will sing in the car with me. I need someone who will not get mad when I fall asleep on them during a movie. And lastly, I need someone who will love through it all.
Wow that was really sappy. But what do you expect, I’m 19.

10.   What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?

I would buy a car and pay off my student loan. I am so grateful for cars because the lack of one sucks. And it sucks hard. I spend a lot of time waiting at bus stops and freezing while walking around time. A car is such an awesome blessing.

11.     What is your favorite food?

I love Avocados, Chocolate, and Tamales. Oh and enchiladas. My dad likes to tease me because I say that I would much rather choose avocados than boys. That comes from an experience that my dad also thinks is very funny. I was eating at the Canon (BYU’s Cafeteria) and these boys were talking about guacamole and how gross it was. And I was like nah it’s the bomb and I ate a spoonful of it and they were grossed out. Then I got up to get a drink and when I got back all the boys were gone. Moral of the story is avocados don’t bring the boys to the yard. But they sure are yummy.

12.    What’s your favorite holiday? Why?
I’m going to give you my top three holidays. Valentine’s Day, Halloween and New Year’s. Yes you read that right. Christmas is not on list. Sorry not sorry. I don’t like how caught up we get in it, it’s not even December and yet people are already for Christmas. People get really upset at this and say some argument about not loving Jesus but that’s pretty weak because Christmas is pretty secular nowadays. I love Christmas but it isn’t my favorite. I love getting a day to wear a lot of pink/red, hearts and eat chocolate in addition to getting a day to appreciate the people I love.

I’m going to go ahead and stop here! Leaving you wanting more right? Anyways I hope you learned something new and interesting. Have a wonderful day!
- M

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