

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Q&A with Mitch. 9 questions for girls from boys.

If you haven't noticed every time I do a Q&A I use a different nickname of mine. This time, it's Mitch, which is the nickname my Catan Clan back home adorned me with. (Catan, as in Settlers of Catan. As in my favorite board game of all time. It's more than just a game.) But for this Q&A I went on the hunt for questions that boys want girls to answer. And obviously I am only one girl, but I've been on for quite a while so I think I know what I am talking about. But just to make sure I questioned a couple of good friends and asked what they had to say. A big thanks to Hayley, Madison, Sophia, Kayla, Chrissy, Amand, Brianna and Aubrey. So let's get started.

1. Why do girls have so many shoes?
Amanda says, "A shoe is a nice way to live a glamorous life!" and I totally agree. There is no logical reason why we have lots of shoes. I think that I don't have a lot of shoes, but then I remember the two baskets of shoes sitting in my closet. Girls like shoes and I think because there are so many different types. We can take our pick from sandals, flats, heels, boots, tennis shoes and then each of these categories can be broken down even further into sub-categories. We have to be prepared for any occasion and any outfit. And have you ever heard of retail therapy? Having cute shoes can just turn your day around. Shoes can also be a social thing. Madison became really good friends with a guy who complimented her shoes which led to them having a good conversation.
But simply put by Hayley,
A. There is no such thing as too many shoes
2. Shoes make us happy
D. I just like shoes okay?!?!

2. Why do girls read more than boys?
I thought this was an extremely interesting question. I did some research and it's true across the board girls often read more than boys. And by this I mean reading for fun. I don't have "the" answer nor do I think that there is one answer. But girls like to feel emotions and reading can be cathartic. We can step out of the anxious, sad, lonely body that we are in and walk in the body of another character. Reading is good for the soul. My favorite response was from Amanda, "I don't think I know a girl who hasn't curiously picked up a Nicholas Sparks book for the heck of it." It's true, we love to read. But I don't know why boys don't as much.

3. Why are girl's so confusing?
Haha. This question made me laugh. Because it is true, girls are confusing. And it's not even because we try to play games. It's often because we are confused ourselves. Have you ever tried to explain something while you're confused? It makes everything worse.

4. Why do girls ask guys to be honest but then get angry with the answer?
This one had two very popular answers. One being the idea that we already know the truth and we just want you to say it. Often in these scenarios the truth isn't pretty. Second, idea is that we either expected or wished for a different idea. The idea that we don't want the truth, we want the answer we want to hear. This makes it even worse because the two ideas contradict each other. We either a. know the truth b. we know what we want to be the truth. But we don't believe that this si just a girl thing. We all have expectations and when they don;t get met or they get broken, it's upsetting. Or as Sophia puts it, "Because guys are stupid and give stupid responses so we get mad at their stupidity." There really is no easy way to go about this. Honesty is the best policy though, right? Well as long as she's being honest with you about what she wants the answer to be. Maybe? We gave you some answers to why, but I've got nothing for you on the how side of things.

5. Why don't girls ever give nice guys a chance at a relationship?
Chrissy helps break this down saying, "Girls DO want nice guys!! The idea of a "nice guy" is so often misconstructed because they really are hard to find and often too narrowly defined. How many guys do you know who you can say are genuinely nice?" I think that nice is such a broad word to describe someone. And this can lead to many differnt ideas of what a nice guy is. As a boy you could believe that you are a nice guy but she may have heard something you said or did that is not "nice." Happens to me all the time. A guy can say something, like about politics, other girls, or a bad joke, and I won't think of them the same way anymore. Here is the thing, there is so much to a relationship than being "nice". Be a guy that can be desribed as kind, funny, confident, loving, etc. The other side of the story is the bad boy. Why do girls go for the bad boy? Most of the girls agreed that it has to do with his confidence. Hayley puts it, "Bad boys" are usually more foreward, more confident. We respond better to that because we are scared to make the forst move. But we all want someone whose nice. Kind. Warm." The bad boy is intriguing, edgy, and so when we are looking for a little fun, adventure, or are just tired of serious realtionships falling through with "nice guys" we find a bad boy. However, Amanda brought up a great point, "For some girls, it takes time to realize what's best for them... and others don't even realize they are dating a bad boy until things get out of hand."

6. Why are women not straight forward/want guys to read their minds?
Aubrey answer blew me away because of just how accurate it it. She stated, "Women want to be understood at a deep level, you wouldn't have to tell your best friend when you're mad, they would already know because you have a strong bond. That's what girls expect in a relationship and from their boyfriends." I really agree with what she had to say. Other things that were discussed was the idea that we've worked out so many scenarios in our heads that we would have to spend so much time explaining and figruing out how much you know that we just need you to figure it out. The idea that we don't necessarily know what we want, we're too afraid of the outcome, or we aren't ready to talk about it. Madison says, "I don't expect guys to read my mind, but if I look distressed I'd hope they would be able to tell! Not necessasrily mind reading just a little bit of body language reading."

7. Do periods really hurt or are they just an excuse for sympathy/to be a jerk?
I think this is something that boys truly will never understand. It is a feeling that you'll never experience until you have all the parts. But we can at least try and explain for your sake. Let my good friend Aubrey explain it for you, "Have you ever had blood seeping through your innards uncontrollably with your lining being ripped from the walls that were supposed to carry a child but aren't currently do they leave. Does that sound pleasent.?" They really hurt and yet we are expected to function and carry out normal tasks. You probably won't even know unless we get abnormally sassy or hormonal and blame it on Mother Nature. Some periods are better than others. But don't forget, there are two sides to the mestration cycle (well there are more but for this purpose we will stick with the two). The actual period and then just general PMS. Think of PMS as drunk people, you've got your sad drunk, your hyper-overactive happy drunk, your angry drunk etc girls take their periods and alchohol differntly. We aren't exaclty the same. Some girls aren't in a lot of pain and emotional others are just perfectly fine. But overall as Sophia says, "Periods are temporary death." Informed by one of the girls I questioned, there is even a diagnosis for painful cramps. Dysmenorrhea. Just the sound of it makes me cringe. Periods hurt and most of us would do anything to make the pain stop. Heating pads, hot showers, Midol, etc. So the truth is periods are painful, but sometimes we use it as an excuse. But Hayley speaks for the crowd of us when she says, "I'd be lying if I said I never used a period as an excuse not to do something or eat an extra cupcake." But Chrissy again reminds us that, "Sometimes, it is really a valid excuse But I guess you don't know that unless you are that women." Overall, periods hurt but then again it is an excuse that is always there. You'll never know.

8. Why do we have to put the toilet seat down? Why can't you leave it up for a change?
Imagine this, you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. You're already upset because you are awake. You stumble to the bathroom and go to sit down and you fall in the toilet. No your awake and your bare butt just fell into the toilet bowl. You might laugh but I saw an espisode of Untold Stories of the ER where a woman got stuck in the toliet. The ambulenace had to come unscrew the toliet adn take her to the hosipatal. And why would we leave it up, we sit no matter what. And I mean, one girl confessed about just leaving it up and squatting. But then again who really wants to have to use unnessasry muscles when going to the bathroom. Chrissy puts her foot down here, "America was established as a free country in the year 1776. Women had to wait until the year 1920 for the 19th amendment to be ratified, granting us the right to vote. After waiting all that time and still fighting for gender equality today, the least men can do is put the seat down when they are done." There you have it.

9. Why is it girls insist on pretending to not like a guy when the really do?
This one was the same across the board, for every girl I talked to. We are afraid of being vunerable. As Chrissy puts, "It's not so much that we pretend to not like a guy as much as it is we try to fool ourselves before we catch the feels." We are putting a safe guard from being rejected.
VUNERABILITY IS SCARY. We want to make sure we really want to do this. Make sure we aren't going to get hurt right off the bat and to make sure your the guy we think you are. Knowing you are sharing yourself is "scary and magical" as simply put by Hayley. We care what you think. We are just making sure we are all on the same page before we make the first move.

There you have it. Thank you again so much to the girls who took the time to answer these questions. They are wonderful ladies and I hope they helped you understand the female race a little better. And thank you to the boys who let me ask them for questions. If you have any thoughts on what was said or more questions, comment below!
As for our giveaway winner, Rena you are the winner! Email me so that we an get your prize to you!
Till next time!
- M

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